Monday, July 27, 2009

Tips For Pregnant Women

Swollen feet is a common problem tha occurs in women who are pregnant. Women who are pregnant usually experience changes in body weight significantly. Body weight gain of approximately 11-15 kg.

This automatic increase will affect the system as a whole body, feet bear the burden of body weight during pregnancy.

Being pregnant is usually a wonderful experience, but it can make life a little uncomfortble at times. Many women suffer from foot and leg problems during pregnancy but the good news is there are things you can do to prevent or relieve them. The two most common foot problems during pregnancy are over-pronation (flat fleet) and edema (swelling). Leg cramps are also a common experience during the second trimester.

Swelling of the feet generally starts becoming apparent during the fiffth month of the pregnancy, though this time limit can very from one woman to another. It occurs due to the accumulation of fluids in the feet of the woman. Swelling of the feet can be painful to some women, due to which they may not be able to move about or do their normal work as the months pass on.


1. Soaking your feet in lukewarm water followed by a gentle massage using cream or lotion is very helpful relief for foot pain or swelling feet.

2. Lavender buble baths and foot massage -it has a wonderful ingredient for your feet.

3. Whenever possible, evelate your legs during the course of the day and most definitely at night. Every night you are reminded of the fluid you are retaining during the day and may not even be aware of this.

Have you ever noticed how often you find yourself getting up to the bathroom (voiding) in the middle of the night? This is because the fluid in your legs is being mobilized back into your blood stream and eliminated througg your kidneys. While you are lying own/sleeping. Your legs are at the level of your heart and gravity is not working againts you..

4. Stretching and foot exercise is very effective home remedies for it. There are some good foot exercises and stretching that you can do as a relief for foot pain.

5. Don't walk around barefoot: Wear a supportive shoe, one that has a rigid sole and bends only where the food bends (at the toes. If a shoe seems too confined, find a slipper which has a semi-rigid sole, or try a clog or slip-in shoe with a more rigid sole. The remaining aspect of the shoe can be soft and flexible and allow for swelling, but the sole should be rigid from the heel to the ball of the foot.

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